1984 FL State Baseball Champs Video

Playing baseball as a little kid was a lot of fun. I was lucky to be on the same team from
my 2nd year in t-ball all the way up until high school when we were too old for Khoury League.
Such great memories and friendships came out of those years. It was a magical time.

Our coaches were great, our parents were always there to cheer us on and in 1984 we
went on to win the city, county and state championships. We spent weekends begging for money
on busy street corners trying to get us and our families up to play in the national championship
in Decatur, IL. We flew up there, had the best time and made it to the final game but lost.

This video may take some time to load as it is a big file. I hope this brings back great memories for those that
were a part of this. THANK YOU to Gary Knobel for putting this together!!!

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